Join Us on Benjamin Franklin's Birthday and Check out the Lightning Rods from a Local Farm!
Franklin was born on January 17, 1706. He would be 312 this year. Happy Birthday Ben! In addition to being a Founding Father of the...

One Last Nicholas Event on September 9th
Chances are, if you lived in the Quakertown area before 1995, you shopped at Nicholas Hardware Store on Park Avenue just west of Rt. 309....

Stradivarius of New Jersey?
No. VI violin made by Earl H. Sangster in Vineland, New Jersey, 1923. Sure, everyone has heard of violins made by the Stradivari family...

Spring Has Sprung HOORAY!!!
And has gone straight on to summer, at least here in south eastern Pennsylvania. 84 fahrenheit degrees in April?!?! Crazy!!! Maybe the...

The More Things Change
Welcome to the first J. Pandur Auction blog post! We will use this space to highlight items from upcoming sales that catch our eye or...